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Dominus set


This beautiful set is a continuation of our Belle Epoque series. And here we can see even more chic peacetime parade uniforms, the last peaceful years of Europe before the abyss of two World Wars. But here is not only Europe, but now also the countries of North Africa, Central Asia and even America and Oceania: the Nile Valley is represented by Egypt and Ethiopia, the Greater Maghreb - Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, Central Asia - Persia, Afghanistan, Bukhara and Khiva, there is even Mexico and Hawaii.

There are many representatives of the Russian Empire in the set. Western politicians were intimidated by Russia's rapid development. The Russian Empire was catching up with the United States on the growth rate of industrial production, was one of the five strongest economic powers. New industries were developing: chemical production, oil production, coal mining was growing. Railways were being built. The gold reserve of the Russian Empire was the largest in the world. Russia traded in grain, provided itself with light industry products. The 

population of the empire was 160 million people and was growing rapidly. It was introduced compulsory free primary education for all children, and the number of women in higher education Russia ranked first in Europe. So pre-revolutionary Russia should not be considered semi-literate. "Silver Age" called the flowering of culture of that time. Russia's lands and its natural resources attracted developing capitalist countries, but they did not dare to start an open battle.... 

List of figures

Each tin soldier is handmade by the finest craftsmen in the industry.

Here are all 24 miniatures from the set.

(please click on the picture to learn more about each miniature and the character depicted)

Lucius O'Brien
William Montagu Douglas Scott
Habibullah Khan
David Kawananakoa
Alexander Bagration
Dmitry Golitsyn
Abd al-Ahad Khan
Muhammad Rahim II
ad-Din Shah Qajar
Abdelaziz of Morocco
Makonnen Wolde Mikael
Antoni Wilhelm
Nicholas IV
Karl Maria
Alexander Auersperg
Agustín de Iturbide
Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Ahmed Sharif
Abbas II of Egypt
Mehmed Zeki Pasha
Muhammad IV
Juan O'Donnell
José Osorio
Mohammed Ameziane

The full list of miniatures is as follows:

  • Lucius O'Brien, Baron Inchiquin, Prince of Thomond

  • William Montagu Douglas Scott, Duke of Buccleuch

  • Habibullah Khan, Emir of Afghanistan

  • David Kawananakoa, Prince of Hawaii

  • Alexander Bagration, Prince of Mukhrani

  • Prince Nikolai Odoyevsky-Maslov

  • Prince Dmitry Golitsyn

  • Abd al-Ahad Khan, Emir of Bukhara

  • Sayyid Muhammad Rahim Bahadur II, Khan of Khiva

  • Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar, Shah of Iran

  • Moulay Abd al-Aziz bin Hassan, Sultan of Morocco

  • Ras Makonnen Wolde Mikael

  • Prince Antoni Wilhelm Radziwill

  • Prince Nicholas IV Esterházy de Galantha

  • Karl Maria Alexander, Prince of Auersperg

  • Agustín de Iturbide y Green, Prince of Iturbide

  • Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

  • Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi

  • Abbas II, Khedive of Egypt and Sudan

  • Mehmed Zeki Pasha

  • Muhammad IV al-Hadi, Bey of Tunis

  • Juan O'Donnell, Duke of Tetuan

  • José Osorio, Duke of Sesto

  • Amghar Sharif Mohammed Ameziane


Each set comes with an individual handmade case made of natural oak, in accordance with all the traditions of the times of our heroes. Each case is engraved with the manufacturer brand name, kit number and owner's name if required.

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