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Augustus set

Set includes 24 figures of monarchs from all major countries in Europe. The monarchs are dressed in historical uniforms with national orders of chivalry. The coats of arms related to these persons are depicted on the stands. We tried to convey the portrait resemblance as much as possible. It is worth noting that three characters are included in this list with a certain degree of conventionality. These are Infante Carlos, Duke of Madrid, who was a legitimate claimant to the throne of France;  Duke Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, who was only a consort to the beautiful Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands;  Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce, who was the Grand Master of the ancient and famous Order of Malta. 

Each tin soldier is handmade by the finest craftsmen in the industry.

Here are all 24 miniatures from the set.

(please click on the picture to learn more about each miniature and the character depicted)

Edward  VII
Nicholas II
Charles XI
Wilhelm II
Francis Joseph I
Prince Henry
Victor Emmanuel III
Abdul Hamid II
Alfonso XIII
Carlos I
Oskar II
Leopold II
Prince Luitpold
Carol I
Frederick Augustus III
Frederick I
Ferdinand I
Peter I
George I
Christian IX
William II
Nicholas I
Grand Duke Adolphe
Giovanni Battista Ceschi

The full list of miniatures is as follows:

  • Edward  VII, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

  • Nicholas II, Emperor of All the Russias

  • Charles XI, titular King of France

  • Wilhelm II, German Emperor

  • Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary

  • Henry, Prince-consort of the Netherlands

  • Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy

  • Abdul Hamid II, Ottoman Sultan

  • Alfonso XIII, King of Spain

  • Carlos I, King of Portugal

  • Oskar II, King of Sweden and Norway

  • Leopold II, King of the Belgians

  • Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria

  • Carol I, King of Romania

  • Frederick Augustus III, King of Saxony

  • Frederick I, Grand Duke of Baden

  • Ferdinand I, Prince of Bulgaria

  • Peter I, King of Serbia

  • George I, King of the Hellenes

  • Christian IX, King of Denmark

  • William II, King of Württemberg

  • Nicholas I, Prince of Montenegro

  • Adolphe, Grand Duke of Luxembourg

  • Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce, Grand Master of the Order of Malta

Each set comes with an individual handmade case made of natural oak, in accordance with all the traditions of the times of our heroes. Each case is engraved with the manufacturer brand name, kit number and owner's name if required.


A personalized velvet pillow with a coat of arms on it is made for each soldier. In addition, each set has a large pillow with the coat of arms and the name of the manufacturer, which acts as a great decorative addition and has the function of protecting the soldiers from damage during transportation. Also included with each set is a case cover with the coat of arms embroidered on it.

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